
5 Steps to Licensing Your Songs to TV and Film – Part 4: Pitching

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Welcome to my 5 Part Masterclass Series, where I show you the 5 Steps to Getting Your Songs Licensed to TV & Film. This is Part 4 – Pitching


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Hi, I’m Randy Kalsi. Welcome to my video tutorials. Today I’m going to share with you my master class. It’s a five-part series on how to make a living with your songs using my CPM system ok, so let’s move onto part Four, pitching. So now we want to do as we have this amazing song right. We know 100% that this song is going to be licensed and make us money because we’ve been through the first three steps and we have this amazing awesome song that’s in high Demand. So all we need to do now is find the perfect home for it. The easiest way to get the song heard by music supervisors, for those of you that don’t know, music supervisors are those who are in charge of Ashley choosing the song for the TV show or movie and the easiest way to get your songs heard by them are through agencies. Many reasons for that, a couple of the main reasons are. Agencies work as a buffer, they can check which songs are high quality and which songs fit the submission guidelines and what they’re looking for and also it helps them, also helps them with the legal side of things with the contract with the paperwork side of things. You know this is a massive thing in song licensing and you have to have all your paperwork and all your legal documents in order ready to go because if somebody wants to licence, they’re going to want it within 24 hrs if you’re not you know if you don’t have all that in order, you’re going to lose the opportunity if something happens in the legal paperwork in order and you know the agency or the supervisor gets in trouble for it, you’re going to damage your reputation massively, so this all need to be in order. You can contact music supervisors directly. But the chances of getting consistent results through this channel is tough and text years of networking and building relationships. So again you know in the beginning we want to work smart, and we want to increase our chances of success I’m not saying don’t do this try everything everything and when something starts working for you. You can start focusing more of your time and attention on that in that avenue. It’s important to be creating songs consistently to give your agent as many opportunities as possible to get a placement, the more songs you have the more chances you have, that’s just the way it is. When contacting agencies, you need to do your research on them properly. Find out whether they work within the songs in your genre. Find out what their submission guidelines are as well. They have a very strict submission procedure, you can usually find that out online, some of them like Crucial music you can submit online, some of them you need to email them. If you do need to email them do some homework on them, check them out, find out something that you love about them or respect about them or like and when you send them an email be very personal, tell them what you love about them, what they’re doing and that you have a song that’s similar may suit their catalogue and that you’d love for them to hear it. And send an mp3 link only, you don’t want to be clogging up their inbox. Send them a link and also make sure that that MP3 as your message data added to it. For those of you who don’t know you that don’t know metadata is your personal information and your PRO information that is stored inside the song so, let’s say for example a music supervisor or agency, they love one of your songs, but it’s not a right fit for them now. What they’ll do is they’ll put you in their own library and their own category with tags, of your sound and one day when they’re asked for a certain type of song, they’ll go through their list and they’ll come across your song and they’ll right-click. get info and there’ll be no information there and you’ve lost that opportunity to potentially make thousands of dollars. Having your info there allows them to contact you by phone by email. It shows them that you and all your paperwork is order that you’re signed up with a PRO and bamn, you’ve got that opportunity.